Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thanks to the Affordable Care Act:

  • Millions of uninsured Americans will gain access to quality,
  •  affordable health coverage;
  • No American will be denied health coverage simply
  •  because they have a "pre-existing" condition;
  • Insurers will no longer be able to drop an American
  • from health coverage, simply because he or she got sick;
  • Insurers will no longer have free rein to raise premiums without limits and accountability;
  • Every insurance plan must be described in clear, factual, and transparent terms so consumers can understand
  •  what they are getting for their premium dollars;
  • Families can rest easy knowing young adults can stay on their family plan until age 26;
  • All Americans will have no-cost access to vital preventive
  • check-ups and care;
  • Seniors stuck in the "doughnut hole" will get much-needed help affording their prescription drugs;
  • Small businesses will get tax credits to help extend coverage to their employees; and
  • Community health centers will be able to expand the number of patients they serve in states across the country.

These vital protections will make a difference for millions of American families. Don't take away our health care!