Thursday, August 28, 2008

Cost of Health Care out of control

Health care costs are rising. The price of oil is at an all time high. Americans are struggling to save for the future. But when I turn on the TV or read a newspaper, the story too often seems to be the latest poll, gaffe, or controversy.

We need to hear less about the process, and more about the substance. We deserve serious, in-depth investigative reporting on plans to ensure all Americans have access to quality health care and long-term financial security.

When the next President of the United States takes office in January, what will he do for Americans who can't afford their health care bills? How will he guarantee that Americans who work hard are able to save for retirement, or plan for the unexpected?

More importantly: how will he cut through the partisan gridlock and work across the aisle to actually deliver for American families?

I sincerely hope you will dig into the substance and specifics of the plans of our elected leaders. I'm looking to the media for hard-charging investigative reporting - not sound bites and the horserace. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.

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