Thursday, November 6, 2008

Health Care Adenda

Democrats Pick Up House, Senate Seats; Newspapers Examine Implications For Health Care, Other Issues
06 Nov 2008

KaiserDemocrats on Tuesday increased their majorities in the Senate and the House and next year likely will seek to pass legislation to expand health insurance to more U.S. residents, among other bills, the Wall Street Journal reports (Hitt/Mullins, Wall Street Journal, 11/5). In the Senate, Democrats and two independents who caucus with them will increase their majority from 51 seats to at least 56 seats, with four races still undecided as of Wednesday morning. Republicans will hold at least 40 seats. In the House, Democrats will increase their majority from 236 seats to at least 252 seats, with 10 races undecided. Republicans will hold at least 173 seats (, 11/5).

According to the Boston Globe's "Political Intelligence" blog, Democrats next year first will "address the low growth, high unemployment and economic strain on American workers," and in the "longer term," they are "hopeful they can complete a health care plan." The larger majorities might allow Democrats to pass a "slew of legislation that was blocked by the Bush administration" or that "failed to pass by small margins in the House or Senate," such as bills to expand SCHIP and allow expanded federal funding for embryonic stem cell research, the Globe's "Political Intelligence" blog reports (Milligan, "Political Intelligence," Boston Globe, 11/4).

However, as a result of the record federal budget deficit, the recently enacted $700 billion bailout for Wall Street firms and the "threat of a deep recession, Democrats will have to limit or postpone any big new spending programs, such as ones to expand health care," Reuters reports (Ferraro/Cowan, Reuters, 11/5).

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Main News Category: Health Insurance / Medical Insurance

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